
Inspiration and getting your craft on...

I love when inspiration hits at odd moments, it is like its own special cousin of deja vu. It could be a bizarre feeling that leads to a memory that leads to sensing something in the present that you can't figure out why...it never struck you before? I get a little crazy with the self conversation when this happenes and ask my self "why didn't you think of this before, huh?. " My answer is, uninterestingly enough the same every time I get into a personal semantics kinda thing: "well, you just did!" hmmmmm, self discoveries are way to deep to every make sense anyway - right? At least, to anyone you might try and explain them too. Take for instance my little project last night. I need more stock for cuffs to take to craft shows. I was tooling around the studio and had an odd remembrance ( now this will strike anyone who knows me as funny, cause I am renowned for having a terrible memory!) of being in elementary school and being in the art supply closet. ( yes, alone) It was in the hall, out of the classroom, and I just loved going in there! The odd thing I was reminiscing about was all the bits of Chinese newspaper that things came wrapped in in there, or were in there for some reason. I was so fascinated by it. I have no idea why, but I think it was an early clue to my aesthetics.
Anyway, all of a sudden I remembered that I had bought a vintage ( 40's!) dictionary and encyclopedia ( I may not cut this up, cause it's a hoot to peruse!!) ...and the pictures are so awesome! Tiny little drawings, prints really - mini artwork when you think about it. Someones job was to draw out various animals,machine parts, plant life and such for the world at large. The kicker is that was graphic designing int he 40's. You probably had a cool job? Ugh, digressing again....You have guessed already that I ripped and glued and fruitcaked them to make new Domino cuffs, eh? Did you? I had a good time, and that's all that really matters here. I think they are pretty cool and they stay true to my vintage inspired vision.
I especially liked Mr. Chimp. Ta-da! All done.

Time to go back to the studio and string the rest.

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