
Blog Lurking

Officially Blog Lurking is one who visits and reads the site on a regular basis,but does not participate with comments or adding info in some way. I do love to read many many craft blogs,but don't always have a comment,( I am actually supposed to be doing something else most of the time, soooo) - But I do super appreciate the posts,tutorials and ideas that I have been inspired with!

I wanted to share some of my very fave craft blogs today and how they have inspired me.
I try to crafts for my home and with my son that are not focused on being for sale,but just for the fun of it. I value those projects more!
The Crafty Crow

A site that has been getting posted about all over, The Crafty Crow, is just one of the most fun I have seen. Its quick bites of adorable projects you can do with or for your kids. There's recipes, links to other tutorials, and ideas galore. I think this one should be shared with everyone you know that has kids.
I am going to try the woodsies robots for Christmas presents with Finn this year. I'll let you know how it goes. Seriously, I can't stop looking at all the projects. It will make you want to do arts and crafts every single day.

For a more grown up craft night, grab a good mug of something hot and snuggle up to Betz White with her fabulous felted goodness.
She is the felted cupcake baker as well as a ton of other ideas you can find in her book "Warm Fuzzies". She teaches us how to thrift wool sweaters into amazing and useful things, like blankets, kids clothes, home decor and more. Plus, she posts wonderful free tutorials on her Blog - plus she's a mom! How do the crafty diva's do it all??? There is the most adorable pomander tutorial on there right now, just in time to begin your holiday gift making frenzy. Here is the link to that:
Betz White Pomander Tutorial.

And for a third scoop of the cute and super crafty, I just found this one yesterday- Pimp Stitch - so I am still delving into all it has to offer. I can tell right away though, its fabulous and fun. Creative embroidery and sewing, plus tutorials, a great combo,bookmarked it right away!

I have been very inspired by all the great crafters who take the time to share, and I am hoping to start making and posting my own tutorials. Its on my goals list for this Blog and myself. It's good to give yourself challenges, but even better to follow through!

Hope you all have a FABULOUS holiday weekend, get outside, and then get back in and be crafty, or go peek at these great Blogs!

:) Jennifer

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