
Memento Mori

This weekend was made of those amazingly picturesque Fall days that you dream about. Perfect weather, tons of leaf peeping and lots of activities to go check out. Saturday took me up to Sutton,MA and to a historic graveyard, where the Gravestone Girls were on hand to
give us some local lore and facts about the stones left behind in cemeteries. They knew their stuff about the dead, and have a fabulous line of castings and jewelry. If your interested in doing some historic walkabouts of your own cemeteries and get the urge to try some rubbings, check the do's and don't first, so as not to disturb the living who protect the dead! Try Gravestone Studies.org for more info.

1 comment:

blessings said...

Hi there. I'm so glad that you're joining our Friday Flea Market! I've added you to the list so you are ok for tomorrow. The link is to your blog so if you want to put one or two pictues of your etsy items on blog on Fridays with a link to your etsy shop, that would be great. Also, let me know your email address so I can add you to our email list and send you the Welcome Letter. Thanks so much! Blessings... Polly (polly@fridayfleamarket.net)