
Okay, there is this Blogging epidemic Outbreak of tagging, and it's my turn!
I was given the tap on the shoulder by the funny and sweet Darlene, my Geeky Crafty Crime partner over at Ursula and Olive. Her Blog has a neat " Geek of the Week" feature, check it out at:

So, here is my 7 items for immediate dispatch and perusal:

  1. I have a half sister, she lives In Arizona, we didn’t grow up together so none of my friends have met her – get this, we were born almost 7 years apart exactly. My B-day is Sept 20th, her is the 21st.
  2. My first concert was Tears For Fears, what was yours?
  3. I was an extra in the made for TV movie mini series “Asteroid” in Denver,CO. I got paid $80.00 and dinner.
  4. I have no adnoids, I had them removed when I was in kindergarten.
  5. I met Cory Feldman at a party in CA, I was really drunk and tried to flirt with his wife. Silly me.
  6. I worked at a costume shop for a year and when the bosses were out, we used dress up and take polaroids of ourselves all day. I miss that job.
  7. I bake up a storm when I am upset,stressed or pmsing. There’s apple crisp in the kitchen. Guess which one I am now.

So, now I have to run the playground and politely smack down some blogging pals. I choose you Picachu: I Heart Peanut Butter, The Pawsh Poodle, Alamodestuff, Sadie Lou Who - Hopefully they were not previously tagged!


Unknown said...

I saw that I was "tagged" in my google alerts before I saw your comment. Okay, I'm off to do the same!

Okay, too cool that Tears for Fears was your first concert. Mine was Foreigner...:-(

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

I will be posting in a few days on my tag.......someone else tagged me too for the same one but you were first :)

I have been busy searching the web for my new toy~Sheri

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

Oh......my first concert was Def Leopard